Texas Men's Retreat by the Carrollton Men's Group
Texas Men's Retreat by the Carrollton Men's Group


You can register and pay online, email your information, or by mail


The cost is $150.00 per person. This includes: 2 nights lodging, meals, snacks,  and all of the fellowship you can handle.


We need help with transporting grills and supplies, general clean up, and speaking or chairing meetings. 


Please us know what you can and are willing to do.

Partial Scholarships are Available


So you want to join us for the 2022 Men's Retreat? Do you have questions about the event or would you like to volunteer to help? Then please contact us - we'll be happy to answer your questions and will respond to your request as quickly as possible.


Men's Retreat

Carrollton, Texas


to be added to our contact/mailing list just e-mail   texasmensretreat@gmail.com


E-mail:  steve-s@texasmensretreat.com

or call

Mike L  (318) 210-3274

Partial scholarships are available for those who need them.


If you would like to attend but cannot afford the complete registration cost, please contact Eric S (214) 926-2895  or  email  steve-s@texasmensretreat.com.


If you would like to support the retreat by providing a scholarship, please let us know.


All scholarship information will be kept confidential, both those giving and those receiving.

Click here for more information on the 2025 Retreat:

You may pay by Zelle using payee eraceric@yahoo.com, or you can send a check made to Texas Men's Retreat to:

Eric Seles

1313 Kittery Dr

Plano, TX 75093


Make checks payable to:

Men's Retreat

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© Texas Men's Retreat